Responses by Mona Baiutti, animator, designer and developer.
Background: The site Beaucoup de vide (“a lot of emptiness” in French) gathers the interviews of seven women who have had one or more miscarriages. The purpose of this website is simply to talk about miscarriages, to break the taboo around discussing this issue and maybe help some people through a recent miscarriage.
Design core: The main visual feature of the site is animation. Each interview has its own animation that reflects an emotion based on one sentence per interview. For example, the title of the site comes from a sentence in Doris’s interview. I have more project documentation here.
Time constraints: The time was relatively tight. As this is my final for my bachelor’s degree in visual communications, there was a final presentation with an exhibition attached to this project. It took me less than three months to conduct the seven interviews, and to create the animations, design and code.
Technology: For the site, I used the basic technologies (HTML, CSS and JQuery/JavaScript), as well as barba.js for the page transitions.
New lessons: I learned to listen—to the stories of these women, to understand and to have as much compassion for them as I could. I want to thank them for sharing their stories.