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Tom Coates, associate creative director
John Butler/Mike Shine, creative directors
Tom Yaniv, designer
Hush Puppies, music
Laurent Bébin/François Valla, directors
Tracy Kurtz, agency producer
Fools and Horses, production company
Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners, ad agency
Converse, Inc., client
Walking :30 Music: Song Hush Puppies by the band Hush Puppies. Instrumental; plays throughout. (Close-up on a pair of red Chuck Taylors on a hardwood floor. Pan up from the shoe to a full-length mirror; hold the reflection of a pair of jeaned legs and red chucks walking towards the mirror. The legs walk closer and closer to his own reflection and then actually steps through the mirror onto the other side; the legs/shoes are now on a black and white checked floor. The legs/shoes do a little dance, then we quickly pan down to the toe of the shoe. When we pan back up, the legs shoes are approaching a slide. The legs/shoes slide down the long and curvy slide. At the end of the slide, the legs/feet keep going into space, flying through trippy-colored star formations. The legs/shoes land on a sidewalk illuminated by the sun, so that the walker's shadow is apparent. The human shadow morphs into different animations: squid, rosebush, star. Quick Zoom into the star, which becomes the star on the Chuck Taylor)

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