Responses by Mario Coppola, 3-D artist; Alessandro Fantoni, art director and founder; and Martina Salvaterra, digital designer and webflow developer, Studio Sentempo.
Background: This website relaunches the Vibor sensor brand in a contemporary way that enhances its products. We developed the project very differently than other sites and brands in the sensor industry. In addition to competitors and its niches, the site doesn’t limit its potential audience. The latter was also the result of a relevant rebranding done months before.
Design core: This project, for all intents and purposes, united our holistic design for Vibor: the branding, the choice of colors and fonts, the 3-D visuals, and certain types of interactions enclose an essential, logical layout.
Challenges: Usually, we tend to do laborious exercises in a style that, in this case, we had to put aside to make room for greater essentiality. We encountered difficulties in all phases—the design, the development and creating the content—involving the search for an essential logic and consistency throughout the whole project.
New lessons: Every new project enables you to refine or learn new things that can give you greater awareness. Vibor taught us the importance of simplification.
Navigation structure: The curtain navigation of the menu enables you to reach and view product classes from any location on the site.
Technology: We used Webflow for the design, paying particular attention to custom animations we inserted directly as Lotties (JSON files) that enabled us to make the site much more personalized, dynamic and unique.