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Active Theory, design firm/client

World Brush is a location-based augmented reality (AR) experience developed in-house that lets users paint, create and leave a piece of art wherever they are standing. Every painting is anonymous and only visible where it was created. Users can like, dislike and report paintings, which helps hide the bad stuff and showcase the good stuff for others. World Brush stemmed from wanting to merge the physical and digital worlds in a way that was simple for any user to jump in. A simple drawing mechanic tied that to the real world allows for a huge number of possibilities that transcend language barriers and fits within the context of each person’s unique, everyday experience. Aside from the native code that provides the platform, all code specific to the World Brush application was written in JavaScript. The main AR portion of the experience, including the lines and user interface, is rendered in OpenGL using the three.js library. ARKit and ARCore provide tracking data relative to where the phone is in space when the app is opened.”


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